When I start Studio 2019 -- I cannot see that I am automatically logged in. My name is not displayed at the top right as usual. However, there is an option to sign out in the drop-down menu. This started after the 2-day maintenance on Saturday-Sunday.
When I start Studio 2019 I get a message that
There was a connection timeout error.
Please check your network and internet connections.
I tried the solutions in the Knowledgebase/Community. It talks about removing a hidden file, LanguageCloud.bin or some such. But it says it is in Directory 16. I only have a 14 and 15 directory and these do not have this file.
Thankfully, Studio 2019 works fine. However, I am unable to connect to the Language Cloud. I get an error message: Connection to Language Cloud failed.
According to one of the solutions given, a download of the SDL Machine Translation Plugin was recommended. I downloaded it and installed it. But I do not know how to use it.
1. I need to be able to log into Studio 2019 and see my login Id. (Not sure if this is related to the Language Cloud). I should not get the connection timeout error.
2. I should be able to connect to the Language Cloud and start using it.
3. Until 1 and 2 is solved, if someone can tell me how to use the SDL Machine Translation Plugin that I downloaded, my life will be a lot better.
Thank you so much.
Best wishes.