No Matches found


Language Weaver suddenly stopped working and now displays "No matches found"... And I know it's not my TMs because if I open a document that's already been translated, the translated segments all fill up like they're supposed to. It's Language Weaver that doesn't populate the fields.

I went in my account and it says it's active until November 9.

Now I noticed in the last few months that it sometimes suddenly stops working and if I go back to Project Settings, Translation Memories and Automated Translation, it has disconnected me, so I simply log back in and it's OK until it does it again, and I log back in, etc. But this time, I am logged in and it still says "No matches found" so I was wondering if there was something wrong with the database... Or did I exceed my word limit? But I don't see that mentioned anywhere. My language pair is English to French. Thank you.

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