Language Weaver provider keeps signing me off while I'm working in Trados Studio

I added Language Weaver Cloud to a project in Trados Studio by going Language Pairs > All Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automated Translation > Use... > Language Weaver Provider, then entering my credentials (username and password) and it worked as expected. However, periodically while I'm working, or every time I close Studio and open it again, Language Weaver gets disconnected and gives me an error with code 401 (Unauthorized). To fix this, I have to go to Language Pairs > All Language Pairs > Translation Memory and Automated Translation, select Language Weaver Cloud, then Settings... > Update > Confirm. Machine translation then starts working again, until after sometime when it gets disconnected again, and I have to repeat the process. I'm using the latest version of Trados Studio and I log into Language Weaver with EU credentials.

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