Language Cloud vs. BeGlobal

What is the difference between Language Cloud and BeGlobal products? Been googling to no avail...

  • In a nutshell the easiest explanation is that BeGlobal mainly refers to old branding and was specific to Machine Translation. There is an exception in that we still offer BeGlobal Enterprise Machine Translation products, but everything is moving to Language Cloud. SDL language Cloud refers to a lot more and not just Machine Translation which is just one element of what is possible. So for example, we have the online editor that is available through Language Cloud, we have a portal for translation requests through Language Cloud. In time we will have other online services too.

    So Language Cloud is the new platform for our cloud solutions.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • In a nutshell the easiest explanation is that BeGlobal mainly refers to old branding and was specific to Machine Translation. There is an exception in that we still offer BeGlobal Enterprise Machine Translation products, but everything is moving to Language Cloud. SDL language Cloud refers to a lot more and not just Machine Translation which is just one element of what is possible. So for example, we have the online editor that is available through Language Cloud, we have a portal for translation requests through Language Cloud. In time we will have other online services too.

    So Language Cloud is the new platform for our cloud solutions.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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