I should be really grateful if someone could help me with a problem that has "popped up" on my computer due to SDL Multi Term/Widget settings and which I cannot get rid of.
The problem began after I had tried to create a termbase from an existing translation and where right at the end of the procedure the program could not read/open the termbase for my database. Since then, every time I turn the computer on, a message pops up with the following content:
Fehler beim Lesen der XML-Struktur. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei: C:\Users\Luzifer\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL MultiTerm\MultiTerm 9\WidgetSettings.xml wohlgeformt ist. :; hexidezimaler Wert 0x00, is ein ungültiges Zeichen. Zeile, 1, Position 1.
So, I don't know how good your German is but it basically says that there is a fault when reading the XML structure and I should check if the widget settings xml are "well formed". This message comes up every time I start the computer and is beginning to interfere with my other programs in general.
Does anyone have a solution for me?
Thanks in advance