Exporting/Saving terms entered and displayed in Studio 2017 but not included or displayed in the same term base in MultiTerm or any export -

Dear experts,

Can anyone please tell me how to export or get a grip on the several thousand terms I entered during the translation process, when Studio crashed, again and again for no obvious reason?

I did hope that this constant crashing and loosing thousands of entries as a result since version 3.0 will finally be fixed with their new upgrade, which is obviously not their priority or interest. Ususally, I 'only' loose all or the last couple of thousand entries with every crash, but this time my terms are still displayed within the Studio term base window and are also recognised scrolling through the text. However, when opening the very same term base in MultiTerm, there's not a single of these terms to be found. The same goes for any export of this term base.

I already shifted to memoQ, as did most of my clients, precisely for issues like that. Also not least because SDL has refused to answer my requests, let alone help me, or refund this unusable upgrade for almost three months now. If I have a question as to memoQ, I simply give them a call and get an immediate solution. If I ask SDL to help me fix their imperfect coding and save my work lost due to their fault, I get no answers and am to pay them almost 300 euro per year for this 'service'...

This is why I'm now addressing this community before uninstalling this incredible product that has given me so many headaches and losses for almost 20 years. Does anyone please know how to save and export these many hours of work? Unfortunately, exactly this term base consists of thousands of terms I had to do an extensive bilingual research for because they're not included in any of my specialised dictionaries or in any bilingual online resource. This is why I'd greatly appreciate it if you shared any ideas how to save this enormous work!

Thank you so much!

Best regards,