Manipulating order of descriptive fields when importing XLSX terminology with GlossaryConverter

I'm importing a huge XSLX sheet with termininology into MultiTerm 2017 using GlossaryConverter. This works pretty well, but I'd like to be able to manipulate the order in which the descriptive fields are imported. It seems to be completely random as you can see in the screen grab below.

I'd simply like to have them in alphabetical order, just the way they are displayed in the bottom section of the screen grab. I'm aware I can change the order in the Termbase Wizard, but I'm doing a lot of maintenance in the XLSX file, often re-importing it several times a day.

Thanks in advance for any ideas!


Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    thanks for testing this. It's interesting that you are getting the order of your spreadsheet. I certainly don't. It is a huge document with several sheets, but the order is very similar in all the sheets (only that not all sheets have all fields). That's why I'm so miffed that the list starts with "volume", which is only in one of 11 sheets (and not even at the beginning of that one).

    But based on your result I'll try my luck copying column by column over in a new document. Maybe the current one is just too messed up.

    Incidentally, I tried Excelling MultiTerm. I would have been happy to pay for it, but it hangs itself before doing anything at all. Sent a polite e-mail to the developer, got no answer but a form to fill in for concluding a paid support contract ... Abysmal.

    Thanks and kind regards,