Script problem in Multiterm

Dear all,

I have upgraded old (2011) termbases in Multiterm 2017 (last build), then exported in a genuine xml-file. In order to create the new termbase in which I had to merge a dozen old bases, I took the old definition but rearranged the fields more rationally but the field names and definitions remained the same.

After having merged all bases in one new, I get a script error when I try to display or edit  a term from the new termbase.


Screenshot of Trados Studio displaying a script error message box with the text 'An error has occurred in the script on this page.' and options to continue running scripts or not.

I tried to reorganize the termbase, but instead of helping, it gets worse - I have to click three times, to get rid of it instead of two times.

What's the cause of the error and how to repare it?

Thanks in advance for informations.

Best regards

Martha Ebermann

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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:01 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]