Use of term bases no more possible

Hello to everybody! I have been facing problems with the use of Term bases during my translation jobs for a long time. Indeed, it is impossible to use any of them. Whenever I try to add a new term or to get the translation of a term I'm sure is included in the term base I receive the following message:

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt" and this happens with all my term bases, Indeed, SDL Multi Term works quite well as I've been able so far to build my term I cannot use them anymore. 

What should I do? thank you very much

Parents Reply
  • Dear Steven sorry for coming with my answer so late...too much work! You were right: after an updating of Mutliterm application I can use my term bases again during translations. The only problem is that the displaying of the windows to enter new terms show a strange configuration (I dont' know... it seems they have some graphic problems), and as soon as I try to save the new entries the system tells me that "All mandatory fields have to be completed (Status)". I would like to avoid this because I don't need this information about the Staus but I don't know where to go in order to change it. But, anyhow, now the function of searching and adding new terms during translation is working, and this is the most important! Thanks a lot. Cristina
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