Edit Definition of Termbase in Termbase Management



I am now using Multiterm 2017. I want to ask can I edit definition of termbase in Termbase Management. If I can, then how?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Shan,
    the XML detour I proposed for manipulating the XDT file when it comes to removing or renaming fields of your termbase definition, is, of course, not necessary (or constitutes just a secondary workaround), since you can use existing XDTs when creating a new termbase. Just in case you need further info:
    1. Open your termbase.
    2. Select "Termbase Management" from the navigation panel, then right-click "Definition" in the "Catalog Categories" panel and save your termbase definition.
    3. Create a new termbase using the XDT file from 2.
    4. Export your termbase from 1 to MTF and use Glossary Converter (or pure XSLT) to convert your termbase according to your needs.
    5. Import the modified MTF file into your new termbase.

    Best wishes