I have to reorganize Multiterm 2019 constantly, otherwise it won't show results. Annoying and time-consuming.Can this be avoided?

I have started using Studio 2019 and MT 2019 last week and while translating I have to reorganize the MT database constantly otherwise it won't show results.  Now also terms that were confirmed by the client won't show up. But as soon as I add and confirm the same term, it is shown in Term Recognition, but only for a limited period of time. After a while the term won't show up again and I have to re-add it to the database.

Parents Reply
  • Hello Steve,

    I used the free app, but the problems have not been resolved. I can see the term that I added in the Termbase Viewer. By now actually 4 times as I have added the term several times, but it won't show up in the Term recognition pane. Sometimes, the terminology in the recognition pane is also 'out of sync' and shows terms of a previous segment instead of the current segment. Another error is that sometimes terms are shown for one segment, won't show for the next segment and than appear again when I enter a new segment. It is a new installation (last week) of Studio 2019 and MT 2019 and I had it updated to the latest version.