Can I use the Batch Edit function in MultiTerm to assign a specific value to a BLANK custom field?


Firstly, I should say, I did post this question as a follow-on from an older post (here), but I think it might have been overlooked as the original post is quite old.

Here's what I'm trying to do, along with the two (partial) solutions gleaned from other posts:

AIM: I would like to assign a specific value to a custom field in my termbase, but only for terms created after a certain date. This custom field is currently blank for all of the entries in my termbase.

ATTEMPT 1: Create a MultiTerm filter to filter by date using the default MultiTerm "Created on" field (so far so good) and then use this filter in the Batch Edit function to update (=assign a value to) my custom field for the filtered terms. I get stuck at this step because the Batch Edit function doesn't seem to be able to 'find' empty fields. (This is the problem identified in the older post I mentioned above).

ATTEMPT 2: Use the Glossary Converter app to get an Excel export of my termbase, edit the custom fields in the Excel file, and convert back to MultiTerm. My problem here is that (as far as I can tell), Glossary Converter does not export the default MultiTerm fields such as "Created on", which I need in order to identify which terms I want to update. Is this correct or have I overlooked a setting somewhere? I sent an email to the address on the Glossary Converter page in the AppStore on 24th Oct, but haven't (yet) heard back.

Any ideas?


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