Extraction of termbase definitions

When creating a new termbase I always used a termbase definition file which I had extracted many years ago. Unfortunately I lost this file when switching to Studio 2019. I tried the "Predefined definition file", but the result looks different. ie when I switch between English and German, the German terms are always displayed first, and the colours are different, too. I do not find any instruction for creating a termbase definition file and I do not remember how I did it. Thank you for your help!

Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    It is not logical to use an older version of MultiTerm than of Studio. You risk losing functionality in its interaction with Studio. Or do you use it as a standalone? If so, you won't believe how great it is to have MultiTerm interacting correctly within Studio.

    It is also a fact that (because of a change in 'build') the latest version of Studio 2019 SR1 is only compatible with MultiTerm 2019 CU1, the very latest version of MultiTerm.

    I have just noticed that I sent you the link to MultiTerm 2017 help site. For future reference, the same help instructions on the 2019 site look different:

    Saving termbase definitions

    Editing termbase definitions

    I cannot find instructions for the above in the MultiTerm 2014 documentation but here's the home page:

    MultiTerm 2014 SR2 documentation

    There's not much content any more. Here's the online help for SDL MultiTerm 2014's online version, that does include a lot more information than the above...

    SDL MultiTerm Online 2014

    Although I can't find instructions specific to 2014 on how to create a termbase definition file, I have found the following on the Knowledge site that should help you:

    Create a termbase backup

    It includes more precise instructions on saving a termbase definition and a screenshot. 

    However, instead of trying to find out how to do it in 2014, why not instead open one of your existing termbases in MultiTerm 2019 then follow the instructions to save the termbase definitions so you can use the resulting file to create new termbases from now on?

    All the best,

