Multiterm ignores sublanguages when importing



I have some problems with Multiterm 2017 when importing data wich was originally converted from Excel into .mtf.xml with Muliterm Convert 2017.

The source Excel file is a very simple one: 1 column for source, 1 column for target, 1 column for information and 1 column for abbreviation source. All languages have separate Excel files as the terms differ.


When I tried to make a termbase with several languages and sublanguages, Multiterm does ignore the next sublanguage each time. For example, if I import de-AT, de-CH and de-DE, only the first of the sublanguages remains shown in Multiterm, altough there is an empty entry for the next sublanguage.

I checked the settings several times, I tried numerous approaches, like having the source language as sublanguage (English United Kingdom), clicking the checkbox "Ignore sublanguages", literally everything.


Screenshot of Trados Studio showing Multiterm 2017 with an empty entry for German (Switzerland) despite selecting Swiss German from the dropdown.


Screenshot of Trados Studio with an error in Multiterm 2017 where the Swiss term is incorrectly labeled as Austrian after import.  

As you can see, the Swiss entry remains empty even if I select Swiss German from the dropdown, and the Swiss term becomes Austrian even if I selected the right sublanguage when importing.


Do you know if I missed a step or is this a bug?


Best regards,

Adam Biczo

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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:17 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi Almudena,

    thank you for your answer. Yes, I'm aware of the fact that TB's doesn't not work like TM's, altough you can set for example in Multiterm that a selected language should be only source or target. Sorry it's German, but I hope you know this option in Multiterm.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio's TermBase Assistant step 3 of 5, showing language options with a red box highlighting the 'QuelleZielsprache' dropdown menu with options 'Nur Quellsprache' and 'Nur Zielsprache'.

    Regarding the Excel, yepp, that's what I wanted to avoid, because like I mentioned, the terms differ and there are 20+ languages with 500+ terms. To write a function in Excel requires some time and I wanted to avoid it as I thougt Multiterm was a multilingual database that handles such functionalities.


    Best regards,



    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:17 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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