Term that contains "null".

I can't add a term in a MultiTerm database that contains "null", like "annullable" for exemple.  MultiTerm transforms it to "anable". I found a workround by putting a capital letter in the word "anNullable". Is there a way to create the term "annullable" without using this workaround. Thank you!

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  • Former Member
    0 Former Member in reply to Denise Latreille

    However, although you can add a term that contains the word 'null' using the Flag Layout, once you switch to the Default Layout (this is MultiTerm 2017 and MultiTerm 2019) your entry with the word "null" will have that word suppressed. I just saw it. In entered "null hypothesis" with the Flag Layout, no problem. Then, after switching to Default Layout, bang!, the entry became just "hypothesis" (!). In addition, my termbase is messed up. The entry in question, ended up replacing the entry numbered 1. I have to recognize that before that, I was editing the  definition of my termbase, adding some descriptive fields at different levels here and there.This is a bug! 
