MultiTerm 2019: Missing sublanguage

I tried to create a termbase but the sublanguage I need it not available.

I need English (Switzerland). This culture (en-CH) has been only recently added to Windows 10. Maybe that’s the reason it’s not available in MultiTerm?

When will it be available? How do I add it?

I need it because I use the sublanguage in Trados and my company’s authoring tool.

Thanks for your help.

Parents Reply
  • Hello, I have an additional question. I am not sure how to use variants in my case.

    I have the following languages:

    • de-AT: “main”/"generic" German language
    • de-CH and de-DE: both are based on de-AT
    • en-CH: based on de-CH
    • en-US: based on de-AT (still working on that, so we can't use it as "generic" English just yet.)

    I understand how I would use variants if en-US and en-CH were both based on de-AT.

    I also have:

    • fr-CH: based on de-CH
    • it-CH: based on de-CH

    Both fr-CH and it-CH are supported by MultiTerm, so that's no problem. But I do not have "generic" French or Italian.
