There was a problem opening the termbase at .... Check that this is a valid termbase and that you have permission to access it

Hello all,

I have a termbase that we would like to open in Multiterm 2017, but I'm getting the following error message:

Error message in Trados Studio stating 'There was a problem opening the termbase at D:Export_for_translation_20190308... Check that this is a valid termbase and that you have permission to access it.' with options to continue opening termbases or not.

My OS is Windows 10 Pro, Multiterm version is (the latest) and Studio is 14.1.10016.54660 (also the latest).

I've read the following article, this is not my case here.

Weird thing is that I cannot open it in Multiterm 2014...

Any ideas?

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 1:25 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Mystery solved...

    I've tried to covert it to txt or Excel with Multiterm Convert and I got the following error:

    **** There has been an error reading entry #1.
    System.Exception: This termbase is encrypted and can't be converted.
    at Sdl.MultiTerm.Tools.GlossaryConverter.Filters.SdlTbReader.GetEntryXml(Int32 index)
    at Sdl.MultiTerm.Tools.GlossaryConverter.Filters.SdlTbReader.Read()
    at Sdl.MultiTerm.Tools.GlossaryConverter.Workflow.Converter.ConvertOneFile(IFilter inputFilter, IFilter outputFilter, String inputPath, FieldReader fieldReader)

    What's more is that it turns out that this sdltb expired, meaning that the person who gave it to us set a due date in order not to use it anymore after that time.

  • Mystery solved...

    I've tried to covert it to txt or Excel with Multiterm Convert and I got the following error:

    **** There has been an error reading entry #1.
    System.Exception: This termbase is encrypted and can't be converted.
    at Sdl.MultiTerm.Tools.GlossaryConverter.Filters.SdlTbReader.GetEntryXml(Int32 index)
    at Sdl.MultiTerm.Tools.GlossaryConverter.Filters.SdlTbReader.Read()
    at Sdl.MultiTerm.Tools.GlossaryConverter.Workflow.Converter.ConvertOneFile(IFilter inputFilter, IFilter outputFilter, String inputPath, FieldReader fieldReader)

    What's more is that it turns out that this sdltb expired, meaning that the person who gave it to us set a due date in order not to use it anymore after that time.

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