Reorganizing a termbase opened in Multiterm, while the same termbase is also loaded in SDL MultiTerm 2019 Widget, will cause the termbase to grow 8 times in size

Hi All,

The name of this discussion topic says it all.

I have noticed that reorganizing a termbase opened in Multiterm, while the same termbase is also loaded in SDL MultiTerm 2019 Widget, will cause the termbase to grow 8 times in size: from 30 MB to 240 MB. At some point, the termbase will also stop to function.

It is fair to say that these two SDL tools are somehow incompatible under the above-described circumstances and will corrupt your termbase.


Best regards,

Pavel Tsvetkov

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  • Hi Paul,

    Thank you for addressing this.

    The problem has occurred 3-4 times over the past 12 months but it was only the last time that I thought Widget might have been the culprit. The thing is that Widget has an autostart function and it is easy to forget that it is running in the background so reorganizing your termbase may occur when the two applications are using the same termbase.

    Maybe add a little check to Multiterm at the start of the reoranization feature to check that the same termbase is not opened in Widget? I understand that at this point you have not found any problems in the interaction between Widget and MultiTerm but frankly I can think of no other reason.

    Widget also needs a streamlining of the UI and functions that deserves a separate post.

    Best regards,

    Pavel Tsvetkov