Creating customized layouts in MultiTerm depends on which user interface language you have chosen

Hi all,

normally, I use German as user interface language for MultiTerm, but I found out recently that this creates problems, especially when trying to create customized layouts.

When creating the structure of the layout, choosing "Eine Sprache" in German does not have the same effect as when I choose "Any language", using English as user interface language.

Here is a video that illustrates the problem:

Exporting the layout definition created with English as user interface language and importing it again when using German as user interface language does not change the language the structure within the layout assistant was originally created in. You can, however, add another "Eine Sprache", although there is already "Any language" in the structure. But this, again, does not appear in the actual layout.

Trados Studio Layout Assistant window showing a list of field display options with 'Any language' selected, and other options in German.

So, my question is not how to get the layout I want, I can easily use the workaround with English as user interface language.

My question is why the program does not recognize "Eine Sprache" in the same way as it recognizes "Any language", and if using interface languages other than English creates more problems like this one.



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[edited by: Trados AI at 1:42 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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