F3 search in source

Hello, When I translate, I usually copy the source segment in the target field. When I need to do a Concordance search (F3), I know I can select the term in the source segment but because my cursor is in the target part it would be easier to do the F3 from there. The problem is that, if I do that, the search is done in the Target part of the TM. Is it possible that all searches (from both the Source and Target parts) are made on the Source part of the TM? Another problem is that, when I click F3 from the Target part, some searches appear and the area where I can change from "Search in target" to "Search in Source" is very narrow, so it's a bit time consuming each time. Cheers, Pascal

  • Hi 

    The F3 functionality is explained here in the online SDL Trados Studio documentation:

    F3 Concordance Search

    It's not possible to set the F3 concordance search to only search the Source. The whole point of both of them being searchable is that when you've already worked on a similar segment that is now saved to the translation memory, you may want to search the source OR the target to find other fuzzy matches, i.e. what has been similar and translated before.

    Copying the source segment into the target field means you're treating the source language as if it is the target language. The software cannot recognise that it's a different language and will only search for it in the Target translation units.

    it is less time-consuming to click into the Source segment than to change the dropdown menu from Target to Source in the search window.

    Alternatively, you could select the following which would leave the Target segment blank until you wanted it to be populated, which can be done via Ctrl+Insert for example.

    If you work via 'Translate Single Document', here is where you can prevent the target segment being populated on pre-translation:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio translation memory settings with options such as 'Update', 'Overwrite', and 'Keep target segment empty' unchecked.

    If you work with projects, then here is where you make the selection:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio project settings window showing similar translation memory settings with 'Keep target segment empty' option unchecked.

    I hope this helps,

    All the best,

    Ali Slight smile

    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:45 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hi 

    The F3 functionality is explained here in the online SDL Trados Studio documentation:

    F3 Concordance Search

    It's not possible to set the F3 concordance search to only search the Source. The whole point of both of them being searchable is that when you've already worked on a similar segment that is now saved to the translation memory, you may want to search the source OR the target to find other fuzzy matches, i.e. what has been similar and translated before.

    Copying the source segment into the target field means you're treating the source language as if it is the target language. The software cannot recognise that it's a different language and will only search for it in the Target translation units.

    it is less time-consuming to click into the Source segment than to change the dropdown menu from Target to Source in the search window.

    Alternatively, you could select the following which would leave the Target segment blank until you wanted it to be populated, which can be done via Ctrl+Insert for example.

    If you work via 'Translate Single Document', here is where you can prevent the target segment being populated on pre-translation:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio translation memory settings with options such as 'Update', 'Overwrite', and 'Keep target segment empty' unchecked.

    If you work with projects, then here is where you make the selection:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio project settings window showing similar translation memory settings with 'Keep target segment empty' option unchecked.

    I hope this helps,

    All the best,

    Ali Slight smile

    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:45 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]