Searching in 'SDL Knowledge Base'

I am having trouble finding the information I need when performing a simple search in Knowledge. Two examples

I want to find out about the minimum match value for multiterm terms -

Is this the right way to search? I have tried percentage match also.

The results shown seem to start with 'cumulative updates' and other results do not seem relevant to my question.

Another muliterm example: search depth

This is a term shown in Search settings, so you would expect it to return some information about multiterm.

Could someone please let me know whether I am searching the in right place? I would like to know the quickest way to retrieve information without necessarily having to watch a tutorial again!

Parents Reply
  • But please explain what path I should have taken to reach this explanation

    The logical way is probably to go to the appropriate interface in the product and then press F1.  The help is context sensitive so it will (should) take you to the right information.

    The other way for a wider result, or to search the KB directly, is to use Google!  If you structure your help so it always starts like this: "then your search terms"

    t will be more efficient and accurate than the search in the KB itself. You can also do the same wth the product help, but that tends to find old versions first and these are less helpful, so the F1 approach is better for that.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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