I am searching through the termbase and trying to get the target term from the search, but after:

I am searching through the termbase and trying to get the target term from the search, but after:
var termbases = localRep.Termbases;
termbases.Add(termPath, string.Empty, string.Empty);
var termbase = termbases[termPath];
Entries entries = termbase.Entries;
var search = termbase.Search;
search.Direction = MtSearchDirection.mtSearchDown;
search.MaximumHits = 10;
search.FuzzySearch = false;
search.SearchExpression = "peripheral ischemia";
search.SourceIndex = sourceIndexName;
search.TargetIndex = targetIndexName;

var oHits = search.Execute();
var targetEntriesList = new List ();
foreach (HitTerm oHit in oHits)

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oHit.ParentEntryID))
var hitText = oHit.Text;
if (hitText.Equals("peripheral ischemia"))
var entryId = Convert.ToInt32(oHit.ParentEntryID);
var entry = entries.Item(entryId);
var entryExists = targetEntriesList.Exists(e => e.ID.Equals(entryId));
if (!entryExists)
it seems to be that there is only source items without target ones. How to retrieve the target itmes from the result?
Please help me!

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