How will you enter a sample phrase or an idiom in Multiterm termbase?

Typically, you have a term, i.e a word or a multi-word unit such as "fire brigade" which has its equivalents in other language.

What if you want to give a sample sentence (plus its equivalents) in that entry - let's say to demonstrate differences in the syntactic means of different languages? Do you use descriptive fields such as "sample" in each language? That could be quite difficult to understand though, if you need to display several sample sentences?

And how would you deal with an idiom where the term is the principal component?

Parents Reply
  • My apologies for being late in answering your question!

    Typically a term in a glossary or termbase corresponds to a single word or a compound word such as "fire brigade". The equivalent terms in different languages are understood as being equivalent to each other as they represent the same concept. If you have got a phrase - a sample sentence or an idiom - I think it would be wrong to put it in a descriptive field of its base term (and it could be more than one such sentence per base term) because it would be difficult to give its equivalents in other languages which would not be translations of the base term, in an unequivocal way.

    But if you enter your phrase as a separate concept/conceptGrp, you will lose its connection to the base term and if the base term has several conceptGrps with different subjects, it would be difficult to define the proper link target for a cross-reference.

    Imagine you want to note that German: "das kommt mir spanisch vor" would be equivalent to English: "there's something fishy [going on] here". How would you note this in Multiterm 2021?
