Term links not working in MultiTerm

I am using MultiTerm (2021).

Using a TermBase that contains a lot of links, I notice that Term Links throw an exception. Linking to entry numbers works fine.

Any clue why that could be so?

This is how my links look: <xref Tlink="English (United Kingdom):low cloakroom bench">low cloakroom bench</xref>

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing TermBase links with highlighted text 'low cloakroom bench'.

There is an entry "low cloakroom bench", needless to say.

When I click on the link in the default layout, it just opens the edit view of that field. When I click on the link, I get an error message. Here's the stack trace:

<SDLErrorDetails time="26/08/2022 08:32:51">
  <ErrorMessage>MultiTerm is unable to retrieve the cross-referenced entry.
Invalid argument.</ErrorMessage>
    <Type>System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</Type>
    <HelpLink />
    <StackTrace><![CDATA[   at Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.EntriesClass.GetCrossLinkedEntry(Object Index, String Term, Int32 CurrentEntryId)
   at Sdl.MultiTerm.Client.UI.Viewer.CrossReferenceHandler.CrossLink(String url, Boolean isClink)]]></StackTrace>
    <OperatingSystem>Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise</OperatingSystem>
    <PhysicalMemory>16568624 MB</PhysicalMemory>

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[edited by: Trados AI at 2:12 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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