MultiTerm Widget bar malfunction

Dear Community,

there are two issues related to Multiterm and MultiTerm Widget I would like to reopen, since the threads available here do not solve my doubts.

1. "MultiTerm is included for free, and will be available to download from your RWS Account, when you purchase any Trados Studio license". This is what we find on the RWS page. However, I am not so sure about the Widget viewer. Is it linked to MultiTerm or can be it be installed on a "non-translator´s" computer and used to search (only search and view) the terminology from a TDB in some shared location? 

2.  Widget gives me a lot of trouble, it doesn´t search the words that I know I personnaly saved to the TDB. Is there any solution? Maybe the 2022 version? 

Thank you in advance!


    However, I am not so sure about the Widget viewer. Is it linked to MultiTerm or can be it be installed on a "non-translator´s" computer and used to search (only search and view) the terminology from a TDB in some shared location? 

    It is a tool specifically designed to work without MultiTerm.  Maybe this article will help?

    Widget gives me a lot of trouble, it doesn´t search the words that I know I personnaly saved to the TDB. Is there any solution? Maybe the 2022 version? 

    Is the termbase saved on your local drive, or in MultiTerm Server (the application and not just a termbase you placed on a network drive to share).

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Dear  ,

    I am still trying to find out the reason of why the Widget bar does not read some terms from our TDB...Could you, please, have a look? (I´ve imported several excel files and then I did some filtering/checking/merging manually. Maybe the Widget cannot read merged entries?

    Thanks, Paul! 

    PS: well, this video is addressed to anyone willing to help!!!:)

  • Hi ,

    Could you do the same test having MultiTerm closed?

    The fact is that a MultiTerm glossary is actually an Access database that it’s not intended to be opened more than once. Note that opening a glossary twice (MultiTerm and the widget) may work sometimes or not.

  • The bar was tested by another user with no MultiTerm application installed,an the result is the same. BUT: the terms that cause the application closure in his case are different. 

    Anyway, just to be on the safe side, I have just closed the MultiTerm app and searched for the words from the video, and the error is there....

  • Jesús, I have also tried the Tb-Scout (The MultiTerm Explorer), but it doesn´t show the images/comments, if any, is quite uncomfortable and has no shortcut keys.... any other option? I feel like I should open a new thread to draw more attention to the issue......

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