I am updating the MT information in the Studio manual and am confused about the issue of compatibility with older termbase versions. In the Help text, it says this:
"Termbases created in MultiTerm 2009, MultiTerm 2011 and MultiTerm 2014 are completely compatible with termbases created in MultiTerm 2022 Desktop." But what about those created in MT 2015 and 2017?
This is also strange: "Termbases that have been created in MultiTerm 6.x to MultiTerm 2007 are supported and can be opened directly in MultiTerm Desktop 2015." 2015?!?
The release notes contain no information at all about the use of termbases created in older versions of MT.
Also, a few days ago I updated the information in the manual with the following text, but now I can't find its source. Can someone help me? (I need to keep track of such things in order to be able to follow up in the future.)
"Studio 2022 is compatible with termbases created in MultiTerm 2017 and later. You can also use termbases in the format used in MultiTerm 2007 (version 7.5) and previous 7.x releases, as well as MultiTerm iX (version 6.x). Such termbases will be automatically upgraded to the MultiTerm 2022 *.sdltb format. Furthermore, you can connect to server-based termbases in Trados GroupShare 2017 and later."