(I am opening a new thread because I believe this question deserves more scrutiny, and the previous thread seems not to have solved the problem).
There are multiple terms popping up in my MT that have same ID numbers yet differ by their completeness (usually with all but one missing synonyms or a language). My terms bases are multilingual, and the problem seems to affect entries with synonyms. I will sometimes get 4-5 'cloned' entries, as shown in the graphic below. Only some of the terms I created within a single session are affected.Also, there are no extra elements like Notes or Definitions in them.
The pattern seems to be like this: for 4 languages and various synonyms included, one entry will usually have them all, while the other will have a language and/or a synonym missing. Deleting the superfluous entries does not delete the 'correct' entry.
I used RapidAddTerm for these entries, but the problem arose after entering the synonyms directly in MT.
Reorganizing a base does not work: it only ends up shaving off the synonyms that I very much need, meaning more often than not, it probably leads to deletion of the complete entry.
I am not sure how this would affect the clarity of MT entry return within Studio, but I guess not in a very good way, especially if there's a limited amount of entries shown and an important term translation could go missing as a result.
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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:49 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]