How to add new SUBJECTs in a termbase? & a series of MultiTerm questions...

Hi! I have a complete termbase with 5XX terms, I would like to
1) add new subjects to it (I'm currently having them in NOTE)
2) is it possible to have sub-categories? for example: SPORT can have subcategories like SPORT/ICESKATING or SPORT/BASKETBALL
3) how can I add images to them?

Do I need to create a new termbase? And how do I do that I do need to create a new one?

Thank  you!!!

Close-up of a MultiTerm entry with Entry Id 215, showing a 'Note' field with the text 'sport' and a dropdown 'Subject' field with 'General' selected, circled in red.

MultiTerm termbase view showing columns for Subject, Note, English, and Chinese. Subjects include 'sport' with subcategory 'ice skating' and 'food'. English column has entries related to Yuzuru Hanyu and ice skating terms.
I'm using Trados 2022.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:56 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]