How to add new SUBJECTs in a termbase? & a series of MultiTerm questions...

Hi! I have a complete termbase with 5XX terms, I would like to
1) add new subjects to it (I'm currently having them in NOTE)
2) is it possible to have sub-categories? for example: SPORT can have subcategories like SPORT/ICESKATING or SPORT/BASKETBALL
3) how can I add images to them?

Do I need to create a new termbase? And how do I do that I do need to create a new one?

Thank  you!!!

Trados Studio termbase entry interface showing Entry Id 215 with 'sport' in the Note field and 'General' selected in the Subject dropdown menu, circled in red.

Trados Studio termbase spreadsheet view with columns for Subject, Note, English, and Chinese, showing entries for 'sport  ice skating' with corresponding terms and translations.
I'm using Trados 2022.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 2:23 PM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
  • Hello,

    Adding new subjects, sub-categories, and images to your termbase in MultiTerm is possible and you don't necessarily need to create a new termbase. Here's how you can do it:

    Step 1: Open your termbase in MultiTerm.

    Step 2: Go to the 'Termbase' menu and select 'Define Structure'.

    Step 3: In the 'Define Structure' dialog box, you can add new fields for your subjects and sub-categories. You can also add a field for images.

    Step 4: To add sub-categories, you can create a hierarchical picklist. This allows you to create a main category (e.g., SPORT) and then add sub-categories (e.g., ICESKATING, BASKETBALL) under it.

    Step 5: To add images, create a new field and set the data type to 'Multimedia'. This will allow you to add images to your terms.

    Step 6: Once you've defined your structure, you can start adding your subjects, sub-categories, and images to your terms.

    If you find that your current termbase structure doesn't meet your needs, you can create a new termbase:

    Step 1: Go to the 'Termbase' menu and select 'Create Termbase'.

    Step 2: Follow the wizard to define your termbase structure, including any fields for subjects, sub-categories, and images.

    Step 3: Once your termbase is created, you can start adding your terms.

    Remember to save your changes regularly to avoid losing any data. I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

