I built a termbase for a client project in late 2022, then used it again in early 2023. When I tried to add it to a new project this month, it showed up as empty in Trados Studio. Same issue when I try to open it in MultiTerm. Not sure how to fix this.
Here is what I have done so far:
1) Opened other termbases in Studio (Freelance, 2022) and MultiTerm (2022). They work. So it is a file-specific problem.
2) Tried to create copy of file and open it in MS Access as an sdlbt.mdb. Was unable to open it; Access did not recognize the new file. Followed these instructions:
--- https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000002800
--- https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/trados-studio/f/multiterm/20993/opening-an-mdb-termbase-in-multiterm
3) Installed the latest updates in Studio and MultiTerm, restarted computer, recreated project, created copy of termbase and tried to open that in MultiTerm. All unsuccessful.
4) Opened mdb file in Notepad. It contains only 2 entries: The name of my computer and the word "Admin".
Not sure what else to do. Any advice would be appreciated!