Term search not working in Multiterm term base


I have been trying for a while to research terms in my MultiTerm term base, but never managed to make it work: nothing happens. I just made the latest upgrade for MultiTerm 2022, with no success.

However, the buttons to search the term before and after seem to work since a window appears saying that I no other term corresponds to my request.


I checked that :

- The term I was looking for existed in both languages in the entries;

- I set the research in the right source and target languages;

- I did not apply any filter;


I also tried every display modes and research parameters;

Reset the interface;

Used the option "Reorganise", which only eased the browse on the term list on the left, but nothing more.


If anyone has a suggestion, I would be happy to hear it.


    Is this the only termbase that has proven problematic?
    Is it a certain term you are struggling with or is it the search feature in general?

    Because I cant help but to wonder how you can validate the Term does exist - if you cant search for it

    - The term I was looking for existed in both languages in the entrie

    Regardless, do you happen to know the Entry ID and can you use that to troubleshoot this further?

    Trados Studio screenshot showing the termbase entry for 'Euros' with Entry ID 12 in English and German, no visible errors or warnings.

    What type of search are you using? Perhaps play around to see if it find what you are looking for

    Close-up of Trados Studio search options dropdown menu with 'Normal Search' selected, no errors or warnings displayed.

    What is your display Layout?
    Try the old MultiTerm Classic or Source/Target as a means to troubleshoot this further.

    Trados Studio display layout options with 'SourceTarget' selected from the dropdown menu, no errors or warnings shown.

    Is your MultiTerm up to date (via Help - Check for Updates) and have you tried to Reorganise your Termase (Termbase Management)

    Looking forward to your findings 


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 11:33 AM (GMT 1) on 24 Apr 2024]
  • I have the same problem. I thought it was an update error but I just upgraded Multiterm to 2022 SR2 - and the error persists.

    I can verify that the term exists in the database because I can use the scrollbar to scroll down to whatever term (or part thereof) I'm searching for but neither hitting Enter no the Search icon is working as it used to.

    Switching to Classic Layout makes no change.

    Go To Entry Number is greyed out.

    I've tried reorganizing the termbase, no change. There's something broken here.

    ADDENDUM: because I had to really check a term, I thought I'd add the term again and use the Merge option to call up the entry. Multiterm then tells me the term exists, but when I tell it to Merge, it throws this error:

    Screenshot of a Script Error dialog box with a warning icon, indicating an error has occurred on a script on this page. It shows Line: 10649, Char: 10, Error: The entry number does not exist in this termbase, Code: 0, and a file path. Options to continue running scripts are Yes and No.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 3:19 PM (GMT 1) on 20 Jul 2024]
  • I have the same problem. I thought it was an update error but I just upgraded Multiterm to 2022 SR2 - and the error persists.

    I can verify that the term exists in the database because I can use the scrollbar to scroll down to whatever term (or part thereof) I'm searching for but neither hitting Enter no the Search icon is working as it used to.

    Switching to Classic Layout makes no change.

    Go To Entry Number is greyed out.

    I've tried reorganizing the termbase, no change. There's something broken here.

    ADDENDUM: because I had to really check a term, I thought I'd add the term again and use the Merge option to call up the entry. Multiterm then tells me the term exists, but when I tell it to Merge, it throws this error:

    Screenshot of a Script Error dialog box with a warning icon, indicating an error has occurred on a script on this page. It shows Line: 10649, Char: 10, Error: The entry number does not exist in this termbase, Code: 0, and a file path. Options to continue running scripts are Yes and No.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 3:19 PM (GMT 1) on 20 Jul 2024]