MultiTerm UI cropped, cannot create termbase

I need to get my local termbase file onto the groupshare server, but the termbase wizard UI does not show the components needed to proceed to the next step.

Screenshot of MultiTerm Termbase Wizard Step 1 of 5 with options to create a new termbase definition, use a predefined template, or load an existing file. The left side of the window is obscured by a large teal block.

Screenshot of MultiTerm Termbase Wizard Step 2 of 5 showing fields for Friendly Name, Description, Organization, and Copyright. The left side of the window is obscured by a large teal block.

What is this? At least give the option to resize the window! I think most other pop up windows in the app are resizable, the only non-resizable one give me this. 

I'm on multiterm 2022 SR2, my monitor is a standard 1080p one, and I have tried multiple windows scaling options to no avail.

added context
[edited by: Fanxiang NIE at 4:25 AM (GMT 1) on 16 May 2024]