Correct recognition of languages during import of XML

I try to import Glossary from Excell with 30 langugages. First I convert the Excell-File with Multiterm 2022 Convert to an Multiterm XML File, then I try to import in Multitermbase. All languages are imported correct, only the languages Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian are imported to one of them with 3 entries. I want to have the terms in TDB with correct languages, but I didn´t find the way, how to do it.

Screenshot showing language entries for Czech, Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Bulgarian with the term 'Terminus Hinzufugen' and a placeholder '%s mesic' for Czech and three '%s mesec' entries for Bosnian.Screenshot of a language selection list including Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Bulgarian, Croatian (Croatia), Czech, and other languages in alphabetical order.Close-up screenshot of a language code list showing SH-B2 for Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina), SH-HR for Croatian (Croatia), and SH-LATN-RS for Serbian (Latin, Serbia).

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 1:22 PM (GMT 1) on 23 May 2024]