Can I copy a language in MultiTerm

I am trying to add a language (en-US) to a TermBase that has en-GB and de-DE so for. I would like to duplicate the exact content of en-GB under the en-US entries.

How can I best do this?

  • Hello,

    Yes, you can copy a language in MultiTerm. Here's how you can do it:

    Step 1: Open your TermBase in MultiTerm.

    Step 2: Go to the "Termbase" menu and select "Define Structure".

    Step 3: In the "Define Structure" dialog box, click on "Add Language" and select "en-US".

    Step 4: Now, to copy the content from "en-GB" to "en-US", you will need to export your TermBase entries to an Excel file or XML file.

    Step 5: In the exported file, duplicate the "en-GB" column and rename it to "en-US".

    Step 6: Import the modified file back into your TermBase.

    Please note that this process will duplicate the exact content from "en-GB" to "en-US". If there are any terms or phrases that are specific to "en-GB", you may need to manually edit them to suit "en-US".

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Steps 1-4 are not accurate, but good enough - I managed to add another language.

    Step 5 is nonsense, there is no column for a language.

    I guess the answer to my question is: Read the manual for Glossary Converter. Read it carefully. Yes, it's a cryptic program, but like all cryptic programs, once you understand it you'll love it. I'm going to love it.

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