Blocked terms in MultiTerm

Dear Community!

In more than one occasion, we discussed how to delete locked enrties to avoid general program crash (the more locked entries, the worse is the search and other functions respond).

I never got to understand the why of these terms getting blocked, looks like something random, not due to improper acting.

So until now, when an error message suddenly emerged, I copied the entry manually (creating a new duplicate and copying the terms), then I deleted the corresponding corrupt entry. 

However, when I suddenly discovered 3-4 locked entries, I could not get to them, cause the by-number seearch would not work.

For example, this is what I have now:

Screenshot of MultiTerm software showing a status section with 'Read-only: no' and 'Content encryption: no'. Below, a 'Locked entries' section lists entries 'super' with IDs 18539 and 83.

Entry 83 is under control, I know WHICH term it is, so I will find it using a normal term search and will fix it manually.

However, 18539 simply appeared there and the search gives me no result: 

Information dialog box from MultiTerm stating 'MultiTerm no ha podido encontrar ninguna entrada con el ID 18539. Compruebe el numero que ha escrito en el campo de busqueda.' with an 'Aceptar' button.

MultiTerm says it´s not there. But it is. I can open my TDB-file in Acccess, go to the locked terms and delete it. 

But! I´ve done it many times and then discovered that terms I knew I had added, were not there anymore. That means, I was deleting them when they were getting locked....

Now, the question is: though manual copying is tedious, I prefer it to losing the terms. So, how can I know, which term is 18539?? 

Access provides ...little info on the issue: 

Database view showing locked entries in MultiTerm with concept IDs 83 and 18539, including XML-like tags with user, date, and session ID information.

I am sure, the answer is easy...

Thanks in advance!!!!

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:42 AM (GMT 1) on 12 Jun 2024]
  • Hello,

    It seems like you're having trouble with blocked terms in MultiTerm. I understand how frustrating this can be, especially when you're trying to maintain the integrity of your termbase.

    Based on the context provided, here are some steps you can follow to resolve this issue:

    Step 1: Try to reorganize your termbase through the MultiTerm Desktop application. This can be done by opening the Catalog view, selecting Termbase > Reorganize from the menu, and ticking the box for the termbases you want to reorganize.

    Step 2: If the first step doesn't work, you can try to recreate the termbase.

    Step 3: Another option is to open the termbase in MultiTerm, go to the locked term/entry, right-click and select 'Add copy' and save the copy. Then, delete the locked term. Please note that the entry number will not be copied/identical but will be a new one.

    Step 4: If you have Microsoft Access installed on your machine, you can use it to delete the content of the 'mt Locks' table, which contains data on all your entries that are locked.

    Remember to always create a backup of your termbase before making any changes to avoid losing any data.

    If you don't have Microsoft Access, you can install a free database program like Database Browser or Open Office Base.

    I hope these steps help you resolve the issue with blocked terms in MultiTerm. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Ok, I comment on the answer for other users that may have a similar problem:

    STEP 1: TDb reorganization has never worked for me.

    STEP 2: Could work, but there are always terms and multimedia lost in the process. The numbers in the original and the newly recreated DB never match...

    STEP 3: Great solution when the locked entry is "detectable". Have just recreated (option "Clonar" in Spanish) my entry 83 in one click, deleted the corrupt copy and voila. Honestly, did not know I could do it so quickly, thank you, AI.

    STEP 4: I comment on that in my request.

    So, hoping for an explanation on how my lost-locked entry can be deciphered...

    Thank you in advance!
