Trouble defining a termbase

Hi everybody,

I'm a newbie with Multiterm 2024. I've been creating a terminology database (with trial and error), which have the following structure: 

Screenshot of MultiTerm 2024 showing the entry structure with Entry level at the top, followed by Language level, and Term level with various subfields for French and English terms.

I have added the Image fields today. So I wanted to start populating the Image fields. In the Terms tab, I select a term, then click on "Add Field", and I am presented with the choice to only add a new English or French term:

Screenshot of MultiTerm 2024 interface with an entry for '3-Wick Candles' showing options to add a term in English or French, with a dropdown menu for adding fields visible.

If I click on an existing term, I can edit the term, and that's it, I do not have the option to add a "subfield"

I have tried adding a term, and then selecting a subfield, but I get an error message probably because the term field is empty. 

Error message in MultiTerm 2024 stating 'ENTRY NOT SAVED! All mandatory items have to be completed French (Canada) > TERM > Terme francais.'

I have also tried to add the images in the Termbase Viewer tab of Studio, and It only accepts text entries, even though the Image field has been defined as a multimedia file.

So now, I don't know what else to try.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, while I have a shred of sanity left?

Thanks in advance.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 5:39 PM (GMT 1) on 16 Sep 2024]

    If I understand well, you want to add terms for two languages in your termbase. This means that you have to define two entries at language level and not at term level as you did. You need to have an entry for English and one for Canadian French at language level. The term level is within a language and is meant to contain synonyms for that language. 

    It is essential to understand the basic structure of a termbase entry. There are three hierarchical levels:

    • - the entry level: contains information that is not language specific, such as an image. 
    • - the language level: in your case you need two, one for English and one for French. This is where you add the term (or terms in case of synonyms) for the respective language. 
    • - the term level: contains the attributes of the above term, such as subject, source, status, note, ...
    If I click on an existing term, I can edit the term, and that's it, I do not have the option to add a "subfield"

    You have to move your terms one level up to the "language level". You will then have the possibility to add subfields at the term level.


    If I understand well, you want to add terms for two languages in your termbase. This means that you have to define two entries at language level and not at term level as you did. You need to have an entry for English and one for Canadian French at language level. The term level is within a language and is meant to contain synonyms for that language. 

    It is essential to understand the basic structure of a termbase entry. There are three hierarchical levels:

    • - the entry level: contains information that is not language specific, such as an image. 
    • - the language level: in your case you need two, one for English and one for French. This is where you add the term (or terms in case of synonyms) for the respective language. 
    • - the term level: contains the attributes of the above term, such as subject, source, status, note, ...
    If I click on an existing term, I can edit the term, and that's it, I do not have the option to add a "subfield"

    You have to move your terms one level up to the "language level". You will then have the possibility to add subfields at the term level.
