SDL Studio 2021 crashes when I connect a term base to projects, and does not recognize already saved terms large part of the time

My system is Windows 11. Since weeks I have this problem and had the termbase already repaired by the official RWS branch here, but it lasted only few weeks, and now when I connect the termbase, Studio begins crashing again, as soon as I click into one segment, and so often that I had to disconnect the termbase and work without. As soon as the termbase is disconnected, there is no crash any more, but I need my termbase urgently. In the days leading up to the start of the crashes, Multiterm regognized already saved terms less and less, sometimes the terms appear again, then they are disappearing for longer from the window where they should appear automatically. Als it happens that I enter a term which is already in there, and then appears a small window saying if I want to save the term which is already in the termbase, but which is not shown in the search window.

My RWS representative here recommended me to do this workaround which is to see on this link, but this workaround is most certainly not possible for me, because I have not such buttons like are shown there, I have only modify/uninstall, and modify is greyed out, so I am concerned that Studio will be straight away uninstalled if I click on that. I must be sure that there will not follow immediate uninstall after I click on that button, but that there will appear the Button Repair after clicking on uninstall. Does anybody know if this will be the case in Windows 11 or is there needed another workaround for my system?

Additional information added.
[edited by: Berthold Kynast at 1:59 PM (GMT 0) on 13 Nov 2024]
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