Yes, I know that many others have alreaday asked the same question and I believe I've read all the possible solutions and I tried, but still the error is the same.
I use Windows 10 Pro. I tried to create a Term base locally (partition C/D), my OS is in English and I don't use any rare character; I've alreaddy installed Trados Freshstart, I've unrepaired Trados Studio 2024 and Miltuterm 2024, I've checked my virus protection, also I've updated my windows - NOTHING.
Honestly, I really don't have enough time for all this and I really want to use Multiterm (it was one of the reasons why I chose Trados, and until now I am a little bit disappoined).
So, any suggestions what should I do?
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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 8:52 PM (GMT 0) on 4 Dec 2024]