Generate Multiterm keys for translators?

Hi everyone!

I work for a fairly recent company which intends to start using Multiterm to manage terminology.
We have some freelance translators working for us, and the plan would be to attribute keys, which would be connected to the company's main licence of the program, to those freelance translators.

I've worked with another translation program before, not from SDL, and what I'm describing was possible, and I was wondering if that is also possible with Multiterm.
Would the company have to buy an 'enterprise' version of the program. Is this possible to do at all?


  • Carlos

    What you describe is possible. It requires that you install the server software called "GroupShare 2015" with at least the MultiTerm server component and give online access to this server to your freelance translators.

    They can then access the termbase either from the clients Studio and Multiterm or - if they don't work with Studio - using a browser. The browser-based solution is called "MultiTerm Workflow" and is an add-on to the GroupShare server.

    Finally, there is also the browser-based solution "MultiTerm Online", which has a restricted functionality compared to the client-based solution and is also an add-on to GroupShare.

    In terms of licensing, you need to purchase the required number of server-side access licenses (so-called CALs). They are assigned dynamically, which means that their number depends on the volume of concurrent accesses. SDL distinguishes between Editor CALs (with write rights) and Viewer CALs (for read-only access).

    For more information, I suggest you contact your SDL sales representative.

  • Carlos

    What you describe is possible. It requires that you install the server software called "GroupShare 2015" with at least the MultiTerm server component and give online access to this server to your freelance translators.

    They can then access the termbase either from the clients Studio and Multiterm or - if they don't work with Studio - using a browser. The browser-based solution is called "MultiTerm Workflow" and is an add-on to the GroupShare server.

    Finally, there is also the browser-based solution "MultiTerm Online", which has a restricted functionality compared to the client-based solution and is also an add-on to GroupShare.

    In terms of licensing, you need to purchase the required number of server-side access licenses (so-called CALs). They are assigned dynamically, which means that their number depends on the volume of concurrent accesses. SDL distinguishes between Editor CALs (with write rights) and Viewer CALs (for read-only access).

    For more information, I suggest you contact your SDL sales representative.
