Locale bug

There is a locale bug in MultiTerm Convert. Under Column Header Fields > Language it offers

Scottish Gaelic

Scottish Gaelic

Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)

which is overkill to begin with but at least one of the first two produces files with the wrong locale code: GA-CT (Irish Catalonia!!). It should be gd-GB only or at best, gd. I actually know where the GA-CT comes from - Trados 2009 when Scottish Gaelic was not supported as a locale and you had to stick together a language code and a country code from something existing. Since then, this GA-CT has been haunting Gaelic translators because clients every now and then send Trados jobs with GA-CT which of course since Trados 2011 makes Trados throw the "unsupported culture" error.

Anyway, if I select the one which is GA-CT, I get an xml termbase which Multiterm won't open because on an unspecified error.

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