Formatted apostrophe mangled

I'm on Multiterm 2015, build 12.0.1516.0 and there seems to be a bug in it. When you have a Multiterm entry which has a formatted apostrophe in it, it turns that into '

in Trados Studio and also inserts it as such:

I could of course add them without but then I'd have to manually change them to formatted apostrophes, which isn't a real time-saver either.

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  • Hi Paul,
    I'm trying to add entries to MultiTerm with formatted apostrophes so I can insert them in Trados without having to worry about formatted/unformatted/wrongly autoformatted (when autoformat is on, Trados wrongly (for gd-GB) interprets every ' as punctuation i.e. you get opening (right curling) and closing quotes (left curling) which is almost always wrong in this locale; single quotes are almost never used because ' is almost always a word character which must be left curling, even at the start of a word).

    In a very frustrating way, it is hard to determine in which instances MultiTerm mangles a formatted ’. There seems to be no consistent pattern other than the fact that at some point, anything after a formatted ’ is deleted by MultiTerm and the ’ turned into a;apos. In the above example, the original entry was
    subject line
    loidhne a’ chuspair
    which at some point became
    loidhne a&apos

    It's not just a single entry (I did consider if I'd mistyped or maybe copied and pasted something wrongly) - it's a pattern, basically all my entries with apostrophes are in danger of getting mangled. Including unformatted ones, I just did a search for *&apos and found
    DecoType Ruqa&apos (which must have been DecoType Ruq'ah)
    which bizarrely has turned the gd-GB field into
    They all seem to show the same date but slightly different time stamps. I'm wondering if this might have been caused by an update to MultiTerm?

    I've also noticed that apostrophe initial entries from MultiTerm do not get suggested in term recognition in Trados. For example, I added
    you can
    ’s urrainn dhut
    but this is never suggested as a term.
  • Hi Michael,

    Looks to me as though it's corrupted, this is certainly not normal behaviour.  You could export to excel with the glossary converter and repair with a search and replace then convert back again afterwards.

    On the apostrophe initial entries, you could use Ctrl+Shift+L to access and insert the term.  I don't think apostrophes have ever worked for the autosuggest feature.  Certainly they do get looked up and found.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul
    Ok, I'll fix them one way or another but keep an eye on it in case it happens again.
    Thanks & Happy new year!