Multiterm - backing up a database or copying to a different computer


I have Multiterm installed on my laptop and on my PC; I normally use the latter. I only have one large database, but want it to be the same on both computers. However, I have now added a lot of new terms to the laptop version of the database. How do I transfer these to my PC? I would like these two options, if possible:

  1. A copy of the entire database – I have tried to simply copy-paste, but that doesn’t work
  2. A transfer of the most recent individual entries, if possible

If somebody knows, please describe the entire process from copying from one computer to pasting on the other in simply terms, preferably with screen dumps, if possible. I can find nothing in Help about this issue, although it must be one of the standard uses of the database.

I tried to copy my database to a different location, but it was given the same name, and I don’t know how to rename it (I would rather not overwrite until I'm sure it works, I got some error messages last time I tried that).  I simply used control C and control V in a different folder in the pathfinder. Do I copy it from the pathfinder or from within Multiterm? I can find nothing about this in Help for some reason.

Thanks in advance.



  • Eunike,

    Transferring a termbase from one location to another is very easy; you simply need to copy the file with the extension .SDLTB (you dont need the other files as they will automatically be recreated) to the new location (e.g. on the other PC) and open it there in MultiTerm or Studio.

    If you want to transfer the new entries you added in one copy to the termbase to the other termbase, you need to do a filtered export on the more recent copy. Export all the entries that have been created after a certain date/time, then import this file into the other copy of the termbase. Make sure you use the option "Synchronize on entry" to avoid getting duplicates.

    Concerning the help: this here should explain how to proceed:


  • Hi Walter, I wanted the database to have a different name so it doesn't overwrite the original one, but I can't seem to do that. You gave me a reference to a documentation centre, but it doesn't open. Regards Eunike
  • Hi Eunike,

    Termbases have two names, the filename and a "friendly" name that is shown in Studio and is also the name that MultiTerm uses in the termbase management view.  Often they are the same name, but they don't have to be.

    If you want a copy of the termbase, but with a different name, and intend to use them both in the same Studio project for example then you need to make sure the friendly names are different as well as the filename.

    So, to work through your question you can do this:

    1. Copy your termbase as Walter mentioned and give it a different name.  So just rename the SDLTB file as you would any file in windows file explorer.
    2. Now open this renamed termbase in MultiTerm and work through the Termbase definition wizard.  When you get to the screen with the friendly name just rename it to something else
    3. Complete the wizard and save the termbase

    That's it.  Longer to explain than to do :-)



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Eunike,

    Termbases have two names, the filename and a "friendly" name that is shown in Studio and is also the name that MultiTerm uses in the termbase management view.  Often they are the same name, but they don't have to be.

    If you want a copy of the termbase, but with a different name, and intend to use them both in the same Studio project for example then you need to make sure the friendly names are different as well as the filename.

    So, to work through your question you can do this:

    1. Copy your termbase as Walter mentioned and give it a different name.  So just rename the SDLTB file as you would any file in windows file explorer.
    2. Now open this renamed termbase in MultiTerm and work through the Termbase definition wizard.  When you get to the screen with the friendly name just rename it to something else
    3. Complete the wizard and save the termbase

    That's it.  Longer to explain than to do :-)



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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