“MultiTerm is unable to add the entry” (error message from MT 2015)

I'd like to put a question as to MultiTerm which refuses to accept new terms when clicking on “Add New” and then “Save”? (“MultiTerm is unable to add the entry”)

        I have already uninstalled and then reinstalled MultiTerm and its Widget, but to no avail. Probably, because all paths seem to have been registered somewhere: when opening the newly installed Widget, it showed me immediately the opened termbases, although I thought, these paths should have been deleted as well. Does anybody know how and where to delete these paths?

       I also tried to click on “Open Termbase”in the Widget, then right-clicked on it and then on “Remove from list”, then opened it again, again to no avail: no research results at all (though term is in termbase).

        Could this be due to changing the TB’s name to adapt it to the name structure of my other glossaries? And could the old name be kept somewhere, so the glossary cannot be identified by MultiTerm?

       It must be said that e.g. my DE-FR termbase does work like a charm in the Widget (and in Multiterm), i.e. query terms are recognized and displayed.

 Thanx in advance for any hints,



  • Hi Wolfgang,

    I'm not clear what you question is here? Is the problem with Multiterm or the MultiTerm widget? These are independent of each other.

    Did you create the termbase that you cannot add terms to?

    Changing the name of your termbase could cause a problem if the paths are already in the widget. You can manually reset them by deleting this file and restarting:

    c:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL MultiTerm Widget\MultiTerm12\WidgetSettings.xml

    Maybe you can clarify a little what you need to know if none of this helps? Sorry for the scattered response!



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Dear Paul,

    Thank you for your feedback. I know both programmes are different. The issue was that:
    - A glossary (Wordfast --> Excel --> Multiterm) was stored on my external HD,
    - This same glossary is used with 2 PCs (same configuration),
    - When used on the 2nd PC and when I tried to add a term to MultiTerm, MT told me this wasn't possible, whereas the same programme accepted adding terms on the 1st PC.

    I per chance found a solution: I disconnected the ext. HD and started MultiTerm on the 2nd (though identical) PC which told me none of my termbases were available (which then is normal). Then I reconnected the HD and added a termbase. I now can add terms again. Strange but true.

    As to the Widget, it doesn't find terms on either PC, which are definitely in said glossary (which is nevertheless activated in that widget (listed under "Opened termbases", but the reply is always: no corresponding term found).

    Perhaps MuliTerm and the Widget have connection problems when the termbase is not always connected to the same MultiTerm or the same PC. I could download MT's error message for that refusal to add terms, but didn't understand a word of it (which, I gather, is habitual in any Microsoft environment).


    Wolfgang HULLMANN
  • Unknown said:
    Dear Paul,

    - This same glossary is used with 2 PCs (same configuration),

    Hi Wolfgang

    Just let me point out, in case you don't know, that a MultiTerm termbase is not multi-user capable. The underlying file system does not allow more than one user to write to the database. It may occasionally work, but is unstable and can lead to loss of data.


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