How to convert a MemoQ termbase to Multiterm termbase?

Dear Studio experts,

Can someone tell me how to convert a MemoQ termbase to a Multiterm termbase?  I can export a MemoQ termbase to either a csv format or xml format.  But I don't know how to turn the termbase in csv or xml into a Multiterm termbase.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    Prior to your answer I tried the csv route and saw all those empty columns, so I thought the xml method would not be easy. I did not know Glossary Converter would do the job! (How did it figure everything out so nicely?!) I just converted the MemoQ termbase to Multiterm termbase successfully. Thank you so much for the great advice!
    If you don't mind answering one more question (I am getting greedy and want more from GC:): is there a way to combine several termbases in xml format into one big Multiterm termbase using GC or do I need to do it one by one?
    Thank you again, and have a wonderful weekend!
