Best practice when working with MultiTerm termbase in Studio?

I was wondering what is best practice when working with a MultiTerm termbase in Studio? I sometimes find it useful to keep MultiTerm open, with the term base I am currently using in Studio open. However, I have been having all kinds of problems with my termbases, where they sometimes become unresponsive in Studio, to the point where I have to disconnect/reconnect them from my project to get them working again. I sometimes even have to kill Studio, because it becomes unresponsive when trying to edit a TB entry insight Studio. Another problem I have been having is that the SDL Widget basically crashes all the time (I logged a support case). 

By the way, after my last support session (about the "traverse.js" bug), I was advised to reinstall Windows 10 from scratch. Luckily, I had been planning on doing this anyway. Anyway, I did so, so the problems I am currently having as described above are on a brand-new win10 install, fully updated. 
