Beginner getting started

Hello. I'm not working on any translations at the moment, but I'd like to set up a term base in my Studio 2011 software. 

1. Is MultiTerm a separate software from Studio?

2. Is MultiTerm where I would build up my glossaries?

3. What's the most efficient way to build up vocabulary in my software if I'm not currently working on a translation?


  • 1. Yes, a separate software. It uses the same license as Studio

    2. Indeed

    3. Create a simple Excel file with some terminology - in the first line place ONLY the language names and maybe names of descriptive field. Fill the columns with terminology. Do not put synonyms in the same cell, separated by a comma o similar, but rather add a new column with the same language name. Save the Excel. Either use the SDL MultiTerm 2011 Convert application or download the Glossary Converter here and use this to receive a SDLTB from your Excel


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • 1. Yes, a separate software. It uses the same license as Studio

    2. Indeed

    3. Create a simple Excel file with some terminology - in the first line place ONLY the language names and maybe names of descriptive field. Fill the columns with terminology. Do not put synonyms in the same cell, separated by a comma o similar, but rather add a new column with the same language name. Save the Excel. Either use the SDL MultiTerm 2011 Convert application or download the Glossary Converter here and use this to receive a SDLTB from your Excel


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.
