Beginner getting started

Hello. I'm not working on any translations at the moment, but I'd like to set up a term base in my Studio 2011 software. 

1. Is MultiTerm a separate software from Studio?

2. Is MultiTerm where I would build up my glossaries?

3. What's the most efficient way to build up vocabulary in my software if I'm not currently working on a translation?


  • Hi Holly,

    MultiTerm is a separate piece of software you can find in the downloads section of your My Account.  Just download and install it, it will then appear as a separate item here:

    You can build up your glossaries several ways depending on how complex a database you wish to construct.  For example, you could create a termbase that looked like this (this one is in the sample termbase installed with studio):

    This has a couple of pictures and special fields for identifying forbidden terms; it's also multilingual

    If you only want a bilingual glossary so you can use this with AutoSuggest and have minimal maintenance then it might look like this:

    When you create a termbase it can be as complex or as simple as you like.  If you only want a simple glossary the benefits are that it's easy to maintain (you just add terms) and you can easily maintain this in an excel spreadsheet if you like.  There is an article on how to do this using the Glossary Converter from the OpenExchange.

    There are also some useful free termbases on the OpenExchange that may be useful for your languages as you can have as many termbases connected as you like.  I couldn't find a way to list them all in one url but this link (searching on MultiTerm) has them in there : Free termbases

    Finally, there are many videos on how to get more from MultiTerm on YouTube and also here : Video Tutorials



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thanks for your reply. I still don't understand though. Does Trados Studio 2011 require me to purchase AutoSuggest separately so that I can have the meaning of terms pop up while I'm translating a text? What other use is there for a termbase? What is a forbidden term?

    Thanks again, Paul.

Reply Children
  • Hi Holly,

    AutoSuggest uses three resources to provide suggestions:

    1. AutoSuggest Dictionary
    2. MultiTerm termbase
    3. AutoText lists

    You can use all of these without needing a special license for AutoSuggest.  but if you want to create what we call an "AutoSuggest Dictionary" then you do have to have a special license for this.  There are articles you can read about some of this stuff that uses AutoSuggest other than Multiterm:

    On your other questions... what other use is there for a termbase?  Termbases were originally designed to allow terminologists to manage the use of correct terminology when working.  This can mean when authoring the original source documents and also when translating.  MultiTerm is a standalone application because it is the most widely used application for managing terminology and it allows users to create a structure of information to suit whatever they want.  The example I showed that contained a "forbidden term" is simply a termbase that has bene created which also contained common mispellings, or innacurate terms, that the terminologist does wish to be used.  Studio can reference these and flag their use during interactive translation or through running a QA report so that they can be corrected.  Not every termbase uses this... it simply depends on how you want to work.  It's infinitely flexible.

    Most translators are only interested in a simple word glossary and for this you can either create the termbase in Studio, or alternatively use the glossary converter.  Once you have your termbase you can use it to add terms as you work using Ctrl+Shift+L, or through AutoSuggest.  So the terms that are recognised from your source segments are highlighted as you work and made available for the relevant translation to be inserted through AutoSuggets or the keyboard shortcut as you work.

    Does this help?



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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