As a service to translators, I have developed language pair extractions from the IATE database and prepared file-sets for import into various CAT Tools, among which SDL MultiTerm. Part of my service is to provide the user of my files with detailed installation instructions for their CAT Tool. Although I know from a private communication with Paul Filkin that my files can be imported into MultiTerm, since its structure has not been changed, I would like to adapt my instructions to the latest version of MultiTerm, 2017. As I do not myself have access to this program, I would like to ask one of you, readers of this forum, to help me with verifying the correctness of my instructions or to propose modifications to the instructions so they will fit MultiTerm 2017.
If you are willing to help me, I can offer you a complete file set of the language pair of your choice for free. Please contact me directly to henksanderson at