Is there a more automatic way to remove the extra space between English text/numbers and a Chinese character?

Dear Studio 2017 users,

I just completed a big editing job where the client no longer wants a space between English text/numbers and a Chinese character, the style that was used previously.  I ended up spending 20-25% of the editing time manually removing these extra spaces from the matches coming from the project TM.

Is there a way or an app that can automatically remove these spaces for me?  Also, in some cases, the text/Chinese character is surround by a formatting tag pair, and the extra space is either before the opening tag or after.  I wonder if there is a way/expression that can ignore the tags and find/delete the extra space before the tag.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!


Parents Reply
  • Unknown said:
    Paul, in fact I don't know how to remove the instances of extra spaces that do not involve tags using search and replace in Studio.

    Use Ctrl+H to bring up the replace dialogue then two two operations.  First to find Chinese characters followed by a space and a number.

    Search for:


    Replace with:


    Then repeat for numbers followed by a Chinese character (this looked appropriate from your test files... but you be the judge of that).

    Search for:


    Replace with:


    You've got RegexBuddy... try it out!



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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