Translate .svg files in SDL Trados Studio 2017


A client has sent us a bunch of .svg files to be translated. I've converted them to .xml files and am now trying to create a File Type Settings file that will allow me to process the files correctly. I've been using "XML v" as a File type identifier, and have set the following XPath elements:

//tspan - translatable + tag type: structure (I think the problem's here: I need to translate the content, but would like to get rid of the tspan tags/not have every letter in a new line in Studio)

//desc - not translatable

//script - not translatable

//path - not translatable

//title - not translatable

//style - not translatable

//ellipse - translatable

//text - translatable

//g - translatable

//defs - translatable

//svg - translatable

//rect - translatable


I've tried setting //tspan to translatable + structure (tags), but the result isn't any better - there are a bunch of tags in between the letters. 

Any idea on how to solve this? 

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,


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