Bug with | operator in Regular Expressions check (QA)

I have found what seems to be a bug in Trados Studio 2017 SR1 in Regular Expressions check (QA)


This is my setting:

Trados Studio Regular Expressions settings with an error in the description 'Avoid things such as cintur n3 or 3cinturones'.

The intention is to avoid things in target such as numbers stickings together to words in lowercase, or words to numbers. So cinturón3 or 3cinturones in target should be WRONG. However, if source has something like 3mm, it its ok if target has 3 mm (with a space), and wrong otherwise. The weird thing comes here: in the sentence...

Trados Studio QA check showing an error message for the target segment 'cintur n3 or 3cinturones' found in source but not in target.

Notice that, instead of recognizing the symbol "|" as an OR operator, it's interpreting it LITERALLY! It's weird, because first, it does not have the "\" symbol ahead of it in order to take it literally. My only guess is that the OR operator does not work WITH Grouped conditions. I have tested the OR oeprator "|" and it definitely works in the target field in the rest of the cases. For instance, this works PERFECTLY as intended.

Trados Studio Regular Expressions settings showing a correct setup for the phrase 'In order to' with the condition 'Report if source matches but not the target'.


As far as I can guess, I see no reason for the "|" operator to be disabled in Grouped search expressions. I have not tested in Grouped search expression: Report if source and target matches.

So is this a bug or it is intended for some reason??? It's a shame because I love the functionality and possibilities.


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[edited by: Trados AI at 4:04 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]